DT Middle East and Africa No. 3 (May-June), 2015 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Middle East and Africa No. 3 (May-June), 2015


DT Middle East and Africa No. 3 (May-June), 2015

Dental Tribune MEA/CAPPmea - IDS Cologne success story / Henry Schein at IDS: Everything for digital dentistry / Bulk fill restorations in the posterior area / Interdisciplinary approach in aesthetic dentistry / From everyday dentistry to advanced photoacoustic endodontic applications (PIPS): Er:YAG & Nd:YAG dual wavelength laser / Total-etch vs. Self-etch adhesives a case-dependent choice / Establishing good oral care habits from the very first tooth / Beverly Hills Formula reveals the secrets of whitening toothpastes! / Impeccable esthetic results with ceramic restorations / New trends in restorative dentistry. Approach to posterior restorations. / The passive abutment / Super-high translucent zirconia Ceramill Zolid FX for highly aesthetic anterior and posterior restorations / Interview with Abdo Salem - Amann Girrbach Sales Manager MEA / The new dental care system proven to reverse the enamel erosion process / Clinical case study: esthetic anterior restoration with VITA SUPRINITY / Have fun everyday / The first ISO 9001 certified dental centre / Immediate implant placement long term success: a case report / Versailles dental clinic news / Midline diastema closure with direct-bonding restorations / Current guidelines for the use of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia/anxiolysis in pediatric dentistry / CAPPMEA 10 Years' Anniversary / Endo Tribune / Practice Management / Industry / International Dental Show 2015 / Hygiene Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition / 10th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry International Conference /
