DT Middle East and Africa No. 2, 2019 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Middle East and Africa No. 2, 2019


DT Middle East and Africa No. 2, 2019

IDS reaffirms its leading position as global dental trade fair / Interview: "...for us it is important to improve the day-to-day work in practices and labs..." / Overcoming the myths of bulk fill composite materials / Intraoral welding and lingualised (lingual contact) occlusion: a case report / Industry News / A clinical case using the Palodent V3 Sectional Matrix System / Digital Industry News / Interview: The World Congress as a turning point for laser dentistry / Digital Industry News / IDS / News / Digital Industry News / Interview: "Motivation and team work were the main reasons for the success and continuity of the LOS over the years." / Align Technology supports saudi community by addressing dental issues of teens and younger patients / Researchers discover new material that could make dental fillings more durable / Endo Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 2, 2019 / Lab Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 2, 2019 / Hygiene Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 2, 2019 / Implant Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 2, 2019 / Ortho Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 2, 2019 /
